The high-speed arched slope protection mould started from the gradual recognition of this kind of slope protection precast block in various regions. Because most of the slope protection bricks used in the past were hexagonal blocks, interlocking blocks, etc., the production of small precast blocks was simple, but it was difficult to meet the requirements of ecological slope protection, so the high-speed arched slope protection mould stepped on the stage of slope protection history. At present, the demand for such prefabricated blocks is concentrated in Hubei, Inner Mongolia, Henan, Shandong, Guangdong and other regions, showing a trend of gradual expansion, and the materials used for each mold are different, according to the construction period required by the project and the specific construction unit selection. Therefore, in addition to the development of steel mold, there are also arch slope protection plastic mold, but the use and turnover times of steel mold are better than plastic mold. High speed arched slope protection mold arched slope
预制拱形骨架护坡模具 拱形骨架护坡模具 拱形骨架钢模具
protection mold arched skeleton slope protection mold高速拱形护坡模具是从各地区逐渐认可此类护坡预制块开始的,因为过去使用的护坡砖大多采用六棱块、连锁砖等,小型预制块生产简单,但是难以满足生态护坡的要求,所以高速拱形护坡模具登上了护坡历史的舞台。当前对于此类预制块的需求集中在湖北、内蒙古、河南、山东、广东等地区,呈现逐渐扩大的趋势,而且每种模具使用的材质不同,根据工程要求的工期以及具体施工单位选择不同。所以高速拱形护坡模具除了开发钢模具外,还有拱形护坡塑料模具,但是钢模具的使用以及周转次数都要好与塑料模具。高速拱形护坡模具 高速公路拱形护坡模具 拱形骨架护坡模具